PCT videos featuring our very own Dana Hendricks (and Cheryl Strayed) hit Shape Magazine

Shape Magazine invited us to step in front of the camera for their video series telling the story behind Cheryl Strayed’s Wild. Dana, our staff member in charge of the Columbia Cascades Region, sat down in the bushes and hit the trail with the genuine Monster to offer tips and advice about the PCT. Check them out!

Dana’s Expert Tips For Hiking The PCT

We’re especially in love with the first video. Way to advocate for the PCTA Dana!

Cheryl Strayed: The Story Behind Wild

Check out Cheryl’s videos too. She tells the truth behind the book, the movie, her struggles, heroine use, unplanned pregnancy and how she found the PCT.

Great Cheryl Strayed quotes from the series

Cheryl Strayed on  the PCT: “This is magnificent and I am not. And I need to be.”

On her brother: “There are things in the book that he couldn’t speak to me about until he read the book.”

On nature’s healing: “Seeing the way that nature shows us how to heal is something that I’ll never forget.”

On wrinkles and aging: “I want to look forty six. I feel that I earned it.”

Cheryl Strayed on hiking elitism: “I am deeply, profoundly advocating for the truth that the wilderness belongs to all of us. You don’t need to be a backpacking expert to go out backpacking. You don’t need to have hiked before to go hiking. And I think that anyone who says so is trying to keep the wilderness as their elite little territory and I’m not for that.”

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